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Building Integrity and Corruption Prevention in the Health Sector: Current Risks and Available Control System

By Puti Aulia Rahma, drg., MPH

Corruption lately become the part of health professional activity. Categorized as white collar crime corrupt manner sully the noble profession like doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacies, and another health professional. Shameful to be recognized indeed, but health professional have to face this reality as the first step to take part in its controlling system. Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) found that after JKN era, Indonesia allocate budget 3 times higher for the poor to cover more Indonesian. Unfortunately, this fund steal little by little by corrupt behavior of health sector practitioner. For example, healthcare provider provider reimburse claim fraudulently. Pharmacy manufacturer commit drugs embezzlement.

Indonesia will face serious problem if it did not have any corruption controlling system. The National Health Security (NHS) will not stay longer if the money stolen by fraudulent manner. To face this phenomenon, Indonesia Ministerial of health has launched program called "Sehat Tanpa Korupsi" since 2013 Indonesia Ministerial of Health also has sets of regulation to combat healthcare corruption, gratification, and fraud which are: Ministerial Health Regulation No. 14/ 2014 about Gratification Controlling in Ministry of Health Environment and Ministerial Health Regulation No. 36/ 2015 about Preventing Fraud in Implementation National Health Security Program at Social National Security System. This regulation give impact to every component of health sector. For example, regulation about gratification make doctors and pharmacy manufacturer reform their professional relationship. Every sponsorship for doctor education, given transparently and accountably known by third party.

Long way to go to make health sector totally clean from corrupt practice. Indonesia needs to adopt initiative like what Germany has done in its country, anti corruption community amongst doctor. This initiative, called "I Pay My Lunch", is a place for the like-minded doctor to share their view about ethical and uncorrupt practice. This community also can give inputs to government in making regulation related to clean and transparent practice in health sector. This community also can influence another party in health sector that still and try to urge them to do unethical practice and corrupt manner like pharmacy manufacturer or even patient. Center for Health Policy and Management (CHPM) has developed similar initiative called "Community of Practices Anti Fraud in Healthcare" since 2015. This community invite health sector practitioner to discuss and find solution of corruption phenomenon in their own practice and, largely, in Indonesia. Indonesia also has to deal with big data owned by BPJS Kesehatan that can give ultimate information about corruption cases. This data should be periodically analyzed and informed to party, whom it may concerned, like Ministry of Health. Although education is the first effort to control corruption in health sector, government still has to give firm sanction to corruption perpetrator to wary all parties to keep away from corrupt behavior. Ministry of Health along with Ministry of Justice also have to set up regulations about law enforcement to control corruption in heath sector.

*This article is brief notes from session "Improving Integrity and Promoting Corruption Prevention in Health Sector: Corruption Risks in Health Business Sector and Potential Roles of Business Actors" in International Business Integrity Conference (IBIC) event at Jakarta November, 16 – 17th 2016, held by Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Please click below for full material.