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New Ministry of Health and WHO Technical Report on Mpox in Indonesia 2023

The “Technical Report on Mpox in Indonesia 2023” provides in-depth information on the epidemiology of mpox in Indonesia in 2023. In July 2022, WHO declared mpox a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC); however, in May 2023 the PHEIC was declared over.

Indonesia reported its first case of mpox in October 2022. Throughout 2023, 72 cases were confirmed across six provinces. The rise in cases was responded to with active surveillance among high-risk groups that visit HIV/AIDS care, support and treatment services, involving key population networks. Case-finding was also carried out through tracking and testing of sexual partners, and vaccination provided.

In addition to providing epidemiological analysis and documenting the response, the Technical Report identifies 10 recommendations to guide Ministry of Health, WHO and partner activities moving forward. These recommendations include improving case-finding through both active and passive surveillance; increasing community engagement; enhancing risk communication; and integrating mpox prevention and control with sexually transmitted disease programme activities.

source: https://www.who.int/indonesia/news/detail/14-04-2024-new-ministry-of-health-and-who-technical-report-on-mpox-in-indonesia-2023