India's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, has pledged to ramp up testing to one million per day over the next few weeks to tackle one of the world's worst outbreaks of the coronavirus.
But can he achieve this, and are the tests being used reliable?
India's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, has pledged to ramp up testing to one million per day over the next few weeks to tackle one of the world's worst outbreaks of the coronavirus.
But can he achieve this, and are the tests being used reliable?
Physicians have long recommended that mothers breastfeed their babies -- as breastfeeding comes with many health benefits for both a mom and her infant -- but many babies may never receive breast milk, especially in certain countries.
Hingga kini target pemerintah menaikkan jumlah tes Covid-19 dengan metode polymerase chain reaction (PCR) hingga 30.000 spesimen dan meningkat menjadi 50.000 per hari belum terwujud. Rata-rata tes swab PCR secara nasional masih di kisaran 28.000 spesimen per hari.
JAKARTA–Setiap tanggal 1 hingg 7 Agustus diperingati Pekan ASI (air susu ibu) Sedunia. Tahun 2020 ini tema yang diambil adalah Support Breastfeeding for Healthier Planet. WHO, UNICEF, dan WABA (World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action) mengaitkannya dengan isu kesehatan lingkungan.