Nearly 700,000 women across the country will take part in a world-leading trial to test how cutting-edge AI tools can be used to catch breast cancer cases earlier, the Department of Health and Social Care announced today (4 February 2025).
Elephantitis. River blindness. Snail fever. Worms. Also known as lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, and soil-transmitted helminths, these and other neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) affect more than one billion—or one in eight—people worldwide. They occur primarily in poor communities with limited access to health care. NTDs can cause blindness, disfigurement, and malnutrition that result in lifelong health complications, social stigma, and the inability to work.
Kanker menjadi penyebab kematian tertinggi baik secara nasional maupun global. WHO Regional Asia Tenggara bahkan mencatat Indonesia menduduki peringkat ketiga tertinggi di kawasan untuk incidence rate atau angka kasus baru dan peringkat keempat untuk mortality rate atau angka kematian akibat kanker.
The number of children admitted to acute hospital wards in England due to serious concerns over their mental health has increased by 65% in a decade, with a particularly alarming surge in girls who have self-harmed, research reveals.