African health officials committed Sunday to scaling up health care interventions aimed at curbing new HIV infections during World AIDS Day. The day was marked under the global theme “Take the rights path: My health, my right!” underscoring the link between human rights and health care access.
A new bill proposes charging foreign nationals for primary health care services and requiring all citizens to pay for specific reports from family physicians, such as those needed for driver’s licenses.
Kementerian Kesehatan (Kemenkes) mengajak masyarakat untuk berperan serta dalam upaya mengeliminasi HIV/AIDS dari Indonesia. Apalagi hidup sehat merupakan hak asasi manusia.
Implementasi program Integrasi Layanan Primer (ILP) melalui penataan dan revitalisasi pelayanan kesehatan primer, khususnya Puskesmas, mendapatkan perhatian publik. Beberapa pihak menyatakan ketidaksetujuan jika Puskesmas hanya difokuskan pada tindakan promotif atau preventif, sementara fungsi pengobatan (kuratif) dialihkan ke klinik.