- Untuk mempersiapkan masa menyusui pascapersalinan, ibu hamil disarankan untuk melakukan konsultasi pada tenaga kesehatan.
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Menyusui Serentak akan diadakan pada 4 Agustus 2019 di Gedung Pertunjukan Gelanggang Remaja Jakarta Selatan. - Asosiasi Ibu Menyusui Indonesia (AIMI) tiap tahunnya ikut merayakan Pekan Menyusui Sedunia yang berlangsung 1-7 Agustus.
71 per cent children received their mother’s milk within ‘Golden Hour,’ of childbirth in June-July
Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital (NSSH) has been able to successfully implement a Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI).
As World Breastfeeding Week kicks off August 1-7, health experts say more nursing could save the globe $300bn annually.
Weighing an average of one pound each, no two breasts are the same shape or size.