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Pemerintah berkomitmen melawan demam berdarah dengan target dengan mencapai nol kematian akibat demam berdarah (Zero Dengue Death) pada tahun 2030.

Melalui Strategi Nasional Penanggulangan Demam Berdarah Dengue 2021-2025, Pemerintah menargetkan angka kasus demam berdarah yaitu kurang dari 49 per 100.000 penduduk pada 2024. Angka tersebut akan menuju nol kasus kematian pada 2030.

When the highly infectious mpox virus, formerly called monkeypox, was declared a public health emergency in August of last year, more than 450 people were testing positive every day. With more than 30,000 cases and 28 deaths, many feared mpox could become the next pandemic.

The virus -- characterized by a painful rash and deep lesion -- was primarily spreading via skin-to-skin contact among sexual networks.

The CDC just released upcoming changes to both the ICD-10-CM diagnosis code set and the official coding guidelines. The new changes include 42 diagnosis code additions, seven deletions, and one code revision. All changes will go into effect April 1, which should give revenue cycle leaders time to train staff and update their coding systems.