About 70 staff have been made redundant at an insulin pump manufacturer.
Cellnovo Limited, who are based at Bridgend's Pencoed Technology Park, developed, manufactured and marketed
About 70 staff have been made redundant at an insulin pump manufacturer.
Cellnovo Limited, who are based at Bridgend's Pencoed Technology Park, developed, manufactured and marketed
A virtual reality (VR) system is being used to help doctors train for medical emergencies among people with type 1 diabetes during a hospital stay.
The technology is being piloted across several NHS sites
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, BOGOR - Keinginan Bupati Bogor Ade Yasin melalui program Pancakarsa untuk memberikan jaminan dan kemudahan fasilitas kesehatan
KARS telah melakukan survei verifikasi akreditasi di RSUD Banten.
Bisnis.com, SERANG – Komisi Akreditasi Rumah Sakit (KARS) telah melakukan survei verifikasi akreditasi di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Banten