Adult survivors of childhood cancer should be screened for financial problems that might cause them to delay or skip medical care or to suffer psychological distress.
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Adult survivors of childhood cancer should be screened for financial problems that might cause them to delay or skip medical care or to suffer psychological distress.
To maximize the quality of pediatric cancer care delivered, the creation and implementation of supportive care clinical practice guidelines are needed.
TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID, SANGGAU - Kepala Dinas Kesehatan kabupaten Sanggau, dr Jones Siagian menyampaikan,
TIMESINDONESIA, PONOROGO – RSU Aisyiah Ponorogo tahun 2019 berhasil meraih kembali Tingkat Paripurna Bintang Lima dari Komisi Akreditasi Rumah Sakit (KARS).