Learn, Connect, Growth | Tingkatkan Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan Indonesia


Screen Shot 2017 08 06 at 12.54.07 PMSANGATTA - Dalam upaya perbaikan peningkatan mutu pelayanan kesehatan khususnya pelayanan kesehatan kepada masyarakat, 22 peserta mengikuti pelatihan audit internal akreditasi Puskesmas (PAIAP) yang dilaksanakan oleh Dinas Kesehatan (Dinkes) Kabupaten Kutai Timur (Kutim) beberapa waktu lalu, di Hotel Lumbu Jalan APT Pranoto, Sangatta Utara.

Screen Shot 2017 08 03 at 10.32.06 AMInsurance lobbyists may influence the writing of a health law, but they don’t provide actual care. We doctors don’t want the same things they do.

I have fallen into the same trap that many of my fellow doctors have: I have analyzed the potential options for repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act from the same place that politicians and policy wonks do