Pre-pregnancy care centre aims at providing digital care through a mobile app to couples aiming to be parents
The Asian Research and Training Institute for Skill Transfer (ARTIST),
Pre-pregnancy care centre aims at providing digital care through a mobile app to couples aiming to be parents
The Asian Research and Training Institute for Skill Transfer (ARTIST),
A recent study addressed the correlation between the time to appendectomy (TTA) and the risk of complication in a pediatric population.
About 70 000 children are diagnosed annually with appendicitis and require an appendectomy, surgical removal of the appendix, as treatment.
BANDAR LAMPUNG - Pelayanan Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Abdul Moeloek (RSUDAM) benar-benar mendapat perhatian serius dari Gubernur Lampung M. Ridho Ficardo.
MEKKAH - Kementerian Kesehatan Arab Saudi berusaha maksimal dalam melayani jamaah haji. Mereka menyediakan rumah sakit berstandar internasional guna merawat jamaah haji yang mengalami gangguan kesehatan.