Administrative burdens such as long wait times for reimbursement can also reduce access
Medicaid has been shown to reduce access to health care and recipients
Administrative burdens such as long wait times for reimbursement can also reduce access
Medicaid has been shown to reduce access to health care and recipients
Digital health tools and data have the potential to propel America’s beleaguered healthcare system into a value-based care environment.
The challenge comes in aligning incentives with workflow.
Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Jawa Barat mencatat hampir sebagian besar rumah sakit di Jawa Barat belum mendapat akreditasi.
Bahkan dari 328 rumah sakit yang terdata, baru 94 rumah sakit yang telah terakreditasi.
Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Palopo menargetkan meraih predikat Kota Sehat Tahun 2017.
Untuk mencapai target itu, Pemkot Palopo menggelar rapat koordinasi persiapan verifikasi dan penilaian kota sehat di Auditorium Sakotae, Jl Veteran, Kota Palopo, Senin (10/7/2017) malam.