Learn, Connect, Growth | Tingkatkan Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan Indonesia



No. Kegiatan Dokumen

Workshop Pertemuan Penyusunan Kerangka Strategis Direktorat Surveilans dan Kekarantinaan Kesehatan, Bekasi, 12-14 Mei 2024










Kegiatan Waktu Dokumen
Identifikasi Kesenjangan dalam Kegiatan Surveilans Penyakit Berpotensi Wabah dan PHEOC di Indonesia

20 November 2020 -
14 Januari 2021

Assesmen Interoperabilitas antara Aplikasi SKDR Kemenkes dengan Database P-care, V-claim BPJS Kesehatan

15 Januari 2021 -
21 Mei 2021

Pengembangan Mockup Aplikasi SKDR Terintegrasi Data BPJS Kesehatan 23 Juni 2021 -
23 September 2021
    link 1   link 2
Pertemuan Teknis Tata Laksana Implementasi Penguatan SKDR 3 Agustus 2021   link
Pertemuan Tindak Lanjut Rencana Pengesahan PKS Pertukaran Data Surveilans 18 November 2021     link 1   link 2
Diskusi Integrasi Data Klaim JKN antara BPJS Kesehatan dengan Kemenkes untuk Memperkuat SKDR 19 Januari 2022     link

Pertemuan Pemanfaatan Data E-Klaim untuk Mendukung Program Surveilans Penyakit Berpotensi KLB di Kemenkes

5 Juli 2022   link
Pengembangan Dashboard Analisis Data E-Klaim untuk Mendukung Kegiatan Surveilans Penyakit Infeksi Menular 16 Agustus 2022

    link 1   link 2

Pertemuan Evaluasi SKDR Nasional 2022: Pemanfaatan Kode ICD-10 sebagai dasar standarisasi klasifikasi pencatatan dan pelaporan 28 September 2022 -
30 September 2022

Audiensi Hasil Validasi Kode ICD-10 Untuk Mendukung Pelaporan Sistem Kewaspadaan Dini dan Respons di DI Yogyakarta

Materi pertemuan:

15 Oktober 2022 -
30 Desember 2022
Audiensi Hasil Uji Validasi Kode ICD-10 untuk Mendukung Kegiatan SKDR dengan Bidang P2P Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi DI Yogyakarta 23 Februari 2022     link 1   link 2
Penguatan Sistem Kewaspadaan Dini dan Respon (SKDR) Rumah Sakit 27 Februari 2022   link

Reportase Kegiatan Sosialisasi Kode ICD-10 Pelengkap Algoritma Kewaspadaan Dini dan Respons Penyakit Berpotensi Wabah/KLB 

  • Kepada Dokter Fungsional Puskesmas Kabupaten Gunungkidul dan Kota Yogyakarta
  • Kepada Dokter Internship di DI Yogyakarta
Mei 2023   link
Diseminasi Cross-Sectional Survei Covid-19 Serosurvaillance in Four Provinces in Indonesia: As Part of The Inspirasi Program 20 Juni 2023   link

Reportase Seminar Rabuan: Kode ICD-10 Sebagai Pelengkap Algoritma Penyakit yang Dipantau dalam Program Kewaspadaan Dini dan Respons Penyakit Infeksi Berpotensi Wabah

21 Juni 2023     link
Evaluation of the Application of ICD-10 Codes in the Early Warning Alert and Response System (EWARS) of Infectious Diseases with Potential Outbreaks       link








Based on the Ministry of Health act no 45 2014, Public health surveillance is a systematic activity and continous analysis of disease or health conditions that could affect the disease transmission. It is necessary to provide early warning for the potential outbreak event and measure to control it effectively and efficiently. Disease surveillance is regulated in Ministry of Health act no 1479 2003. Currently, 23 disease symptom had been regularly monitored using SKDR (Sistem Kewaspadaan Dini dan Respon ~ Early Warning Alert and Respons System (EWARS)) through routine message from 10232 primary health care (Puskesmas) in 34 provinces of Indonesia. Fast and accurate information could become a foundation the have a strategic regulation in national or provincial level.

Data interoperability were still an issue in Indonesia. This is due to the difficulties of the technical aspect, such as different application used in province, district or puskesmas. These application has different database or naming, that create a difficulties in combining together. Many puskesmas also still did not have a dedicated person who were specifically assigned to manage the disease surveillance.

International Health Regulation (IHR) had been proved able to counter the spread of H1N1 pandemic in 2009. Indonesia had also fully adopted IHR in 2014. The IHR external evaluation in 2017, mention that Indonesia capable to manage the future pandemic since we already have the regulation. However in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, there still a hole in the Indonesia health system that cause an increase in number of COVID-19 patient.

For the first year activity, INSPIRASI will measure the gaps of Indonesia surveillance system and the preparedness to prevent the potential outbreak event. Together with the Ministry of Health we will improve the province / districts surveillance capacity to identify and respons to public health threat.


  1. Identify Gaps in Indonesia Surveillance System, range from early detection procedures, surveillance registration, case reporting, analysis and dissemination of feedback on surveillance results to the public
  2. Assess the ability of PHEOC at the provincial level in dealing with an epidemic or pandemic
  3. Assess the routine immunization coverage activities by comparing service data for 2018 - 2020.
  4. The implementation of national academic discussions and work area distribution on infectious disease surveillance in Indonesia.
  5. Disseminate the results of gap study on disease surveillance in Indonesia.
  6. Training for province and districts surveillance and utilization of data surveillance for early outbreak detection.
  7. Conducting interoperability data surveillance improvement with PUSDATIN and MoH.


Activity Description Status at Time
Strategi 1. Strengthen Real-Time Surveillance and Reporting  
Objective 1.1 Accurate assessment of indicator and event-based surveillace and reporting systems to detect public health threats  
1.1.1 Identify gaps in MOH surveillance response to public health threat Development of the interview guidelines Validate Focus Group Discussion and Indepth Interview question Completed Develop interview guideline Completed Interviewer training Completed Conduct Interview and data analysis Initial meeting with MoH Completed Interview and FGD with respondents Completed Quantitative data gathering from MoH and Public Report Completed Develop data analysis and verbatim Completed Results of assessment on surveillance & PHEOC gaps in Indonesia Completed
Objective 1.2 Improve interoperable, interconnected, electronic real-time  
1.2.1 Improve surveillance coordination and report on gaps in surveillance Kick off seminar and meeting Seminar for improving the quality of disease surveillance during a pandemic 14 Februari 2021 Meeting Coordination with MoH (P2P and Pusdatin) in Jakarta 12, 13, 14 Januari 2021
1.2.2 Integrate MOH data source from disease surveillance using web portal

Map and define data standards between the health information systems and SKDR

  1. Metadata Data Sampel BPJS Kesehatan 2017-2018
  2. API PCare dan VClaim
  3. Mapping_icd10_SKDR
  4. 23 Penyakit SKDR
  5. Mapping data element and data value
  6. Mapping FHIR Resource data element Surveillance
  7. Mapping Clinical Documentation Discussion with DIY Province Health Office 10 Februari 2021 Discussion with BPJS Kesehatan 4 Maret 2021 Discussion with MoH (Pusdatin, Yankes, P2P/ Surveilance Unit, P2JK) 1 Maret 2021 Discussion with representative hospital and primary health care 3 Maret 2021 dan 9 Maret 2021 Data mapping based on the previous discussion (SKDR, P-Care and INA-CBGs database)
[report ada di bagian]
Completed Identification coding used among information system, ie., ICD-10 codes, 23 code syndrome in EWARS
[report ada di bagian]
Completed Identification of program languange from each information systems and databases, and Identification of opportunities and challenges to build data communication (bridging) among information systems.
[report ada di bagian]
Completed Identification of algorithm to improve the early detection on SKDR website
[report ada di bagian]
Completed Identification of data sharing needs among information system to strengthening the Indonesia's surveillance system, and to develop data sharing agreement
[report ada di bagian]
Completed Technical consultation based on result needs analysis and surveillance data mapping
[report ada di bagian]
Completed Development of interoperability architecture Identification of short-term, mid-term and long-term roadmap to build bridging mechanism among information system with several consideration, includes personal data protection Completed Gap analysis on FHIR resources with used information systems (P-Care, INA-CBGs, SKDR and HER) Completed Develop interoperability architecture among system with possible options to be implement or trial Completed Developing FHIR Profile for interoperability surveillance information system Completed Developing FHIR server for interoperability trial among systems (P-Care, INA-CBGs and SKDR) Completed Development of data sharing agreements and protocols in line with the existing system from local to national level Audience with MoH (Pusdatin, Yankes, P2P/ Surveilance Unit, P2JK) Completed Audience with BPJS Kesehatan Completed Audience with Province and District Health Office and Health Care Facilities (Primary Health care and Hospital) Completed

Kick-off stakeholders meeting for signing data sharing agreement and protocols


Completed Development of SKDR website with MoH Technical Discussion with SKDR website developer Completed Develop a sample website of data Integration between BPJS data and SKDR Completed Finalization development of SKDR website Completed
Objective 1.3 Increase capacity of Indicator based surveillance and event system  
1.3.1 Conduct training of staff on COVID-19 and other priority disease data analysis and data communication Strengthen capacity of Province and District Health Office on the Surveillance for COVID-19 and other priority disease

Finalize the modules and curriculum of Surveillance for COVID-19 training

Draft Curiculla off Early Warning and Response (SKDR) Training for surveillance staff in District Health Office

Completed Web-based accredited training for Early Warning and Response (SKDR) Training for surveillance staff in District Health Office Completed Report and dissemination of results Completed
1.3.2 HR Capacity Building in data analysis (national and sub-national) Development of interactive dashboard to improve alert and response of SKDR (Android or web based) Development of an interactive dashboard to support the alert system in the SKDR Completed Evaluation of training and implementation of the system development in Sulawesi Selatan Report and dissemination of results Completed
2. Strengthen Real-Time Surveillance and Reporting  
2.1 Capacity to activate emergency operations  
2.1.1 Established or strengthen provincial PHEOC in South Sulawesi

Executives Summary Review Public Health Emergency Operation Center Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, Kota Makassar dan Kabupaten Maros 1 April 2021 Assessment by on site visit 6-9 April 2021 Completed Peningkatan Kapasitas PHEOC Daerah Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, Kota Makassar dan Kabupaten Maros Workshop to develop PHEOC Steering committee Completed Define Scope of Works of each entity in PHEOC Completed Develop a workshop for PHEOC operational structure Completed Reports and dissemination the results Completed
2.1.2 Capacity building of Province PHEOC staff to improve accurate and timely PHEOC Training (web learning) Completed Preparation of curriculum, modules, and training methods (Workshop emergency management system; Logistics during emergency; Workforce mobilization and coordination; etc) Completed Finalize curriculum, modules and training methods Completed

Web based PHEOC training

2,3,8, dan 10 Juni 2021 Evaluation of competency improvement and preparation of further plans in developing PHEOC capacity Evaluation by on site visit Completed

Reports and dissemination of evaluation results

2.3.1 Development of surveillance for health care worker morbidity and mortality for COVID - 19 Development of surveillance for health care worker morbidity and mortality for COVID - 19 Discussions with the IDI Mitigation Team and MoH Completed Completed Development of an integrated system for collecting and reporting data on morbidity and mortality for health workers Completed
3. Others  
3.1 Writing a Scientific articles  
3.1.1 Gaps assessment in the surveillance system of Indonesia Completed
3.1.2 The potential usage of National Health Insurance Claim as the complementary data for EWARS in Indonesia Not Started