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The use of artificial intelligence in insulin application and continuous monitoring of blood sugar will lead to rapid and significant changes in diabetes treatment, a doctor told Anadolu. Individuals diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in childhood have to take insulin externally throughout their lives to be able to eat. Insulin needs to be administered at least four times a day, and the attention-demanding management of diabetes can make life challenging.

Royal Philips, a global leader in health technology, and the World Stroke Organization (WSO), the world’s only global non-governmental organization focused on stroke, today announced the signing of a two-year partnership aimed at improving access to high-quality stroke care. Building on their shared commitment to delivering improvements in stroke prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and support, Philips and WSO will leverage their respective strengths to elevate the public understanding of stroke as a global health issue, starting with joint initiatives on World Stroke Day 2023 (October 29) to build greater public awareness, which is fundamental to improving stroke patient outcomes.

Bertepatan dengan Hari Diabetes Sedunia 2023, CHEPS UI mengungkap bahwa beban penanganan diabetes pada Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) dapat dihemat hingga 14 persen. Ini setara dengan sekitar Rp1,7 triliun per tahun. Penghematan ini dapat dipetik jika terapi insulin yang selama ini dilakukan di Fasilitas Kesehatan Rujukan Tingkat Lanjutan (FKTRL) atau rumah sakit (RS) digeser ke Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pertama (FKTP) seperti Puskesmas.

Pada Tahun 2023 kali ini Kementerian Kesehatan RI melalui Rumah Sakit Pusat Otak Nasional Prof. Dr. dr Mahar Mardjono Jakarta bekerja sama dengan Indonesian Stroke Society dan Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Saraf Indonesia kembali menyelenggarakan Peringatan Hari Stroke Sedunia atau World Stroke Day yang setiap tahunnya diperingati pada tanggal 29 Oktober.