This article is sponsored by Axxess. The article is based on a webinar hosted by Zaundra Ellis, Vice President of Hospice Solutions at Axxess with input from Cristina Montanez, Care Advocate and Lead Educator at Hospice of the North Coast and Dr. Jennifer Kennedy, VP for Quality and Standards at Community Health Accreditation Program. The webinar took place in September 2022.
Piedmont Newton Hospital was rated the top small hospital in the state this year in an annual ranking of Georgia hospitals by a publication. Piedmont Newton ranked first among hospitals with fewer than 100 licensed beds in an annual measure by Georgia Trend magazine.
Penyakit paliatif merupakan suatu penyakit kronis atau penyakit terminal dengan keadaan sulit dan susah untuk disembuhkan. Hasil penelitian di wilayah binaan Kelurahan Karangayu berdasarkan survey deteksi dini perawatan paliatif ada 62 pasien paliatif yang ada saat ini masuk dalam kategori membutuhkan perawatan paliatif.
Tim Pembina Cluster Binaan (TPCB) Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Cilacap melakukan Self Assesment (SA) terhadap 38 puskesmas di seluruh Cilacap mulai awal bulan Desember 2022. Tim yang terdiri dari Sri Eka Handayani SKM MKes, Indah Bakat Setyani SKep Ns, Basith Wahib SKep Ns MM, dan Agus Waryano AMK ini.