Learn, Connect, Growth | Tingkatkan Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan Indonesia


An increasing body of evidence indicates that the best place for quality of life for elderly people is in their own homes. Care homes and nursing homes in the UK use an institutionalised and inflexible model of care which, despite the best efforts of carers, cannot provide a safe, dignified and happy life for residents. The pandemic over the past year has laid bare the failings in the current approach to care of our elderly population.

Alzheimer Indonesia (Alzi) bekerja sama dengan Ashoka Indonesia menyelenggarakan seminar daring bertema 'Lansia dan Demensia: Peran Kita Semua (Lintas Generasi), mengemukakan perlunya keterlibatan lintas generasi dalam keluarga dan masyarakat bagi kesehatan dan kesejahteraan lansia, terutama mereka yang hidup dengan demensia'. Seminar dihelat untuk memperingati Hari Lanjut Usia Nasional (HLUN).