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COVID-19 cases are surging in rural places across the Mountain States and Midwest, and when it hits health care workers, ready reinforcements aren't easy to find.

In Montana, pandemic-induced staffing shortages have shuttered a clinic in the state's capital, led a northwestern regional hospital to ask employees exposed to COVID-19 to continue to work and emptied a health department 400 miles to the east.

Rapid Response:
COVID-19 checklist: a tool for hospitals facing the pandemic

Dear Editor,

The unprecedented increase in the workforce and infrastructure of the NHS and other health systems that governments are implementing in response to the covid-19 pandemic is certainly of utmost importance.

Salah-lokasi, salah-prosedur, salah-pasien operasi, adalah kejadian yang mengkhawatirkan dan biasa terjadi di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan. Kesalahan ini adalah akibat dari komunikasi yang tidak efektif atau tidak adekuat antara anggota tim bedah, kurang/ tidak melibatkan pasien di dalam penandaan lokasi (site marking), dan tidak ada prosedur untuk memverifikasi lokasi operasi.