Surabaya - Memperingati Hari AIDS Sedunia, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia atau PERDOSKI cabang Surabaya pagi ini menggelar kampanye di Car Free Day (CFD) Taman Bungkul.
TRIBUNJAKARTA.COM, TANGERANG - Memperingati Hari Aids sedunia yang ke-30 kalinya, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam Indonesia (PDSPDI) Banten, senam pagi bareng bersama Orang dengan Aids (ODA)
Canadian scientists involved in research into treating infants within days or even hours of birth
Treating HIV infection hours to days after birth could improve a person's chances of having a long and healthy life, researchers say.
The number of people with diabetes has doubled in the past decade and continues to rise. The majority of seniors with diabetes have Type 2 diabetes