TRIBUNJAKARTA.COM, TANGERANG - Memperingati Hari Aids sedunia yang ke-30 kalinya, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam Indonesia (PDSPDI) Banten, senam pagi bareng bersama Orang dengan Aids (ODA)
PURWAKARTA KOTA, AYOPURWAKARTA.COM--Perkembangan penderita diabetes di Provinsi Jawa Barat cukup cepat karena kurang memperhatikan pola hidup sehat.
The number of people with diabetes has doubled in the past decade and continues to rise. The majority of seniors with diabetes have Type 2 diabetes
- There were more than 1.7million admissions involving type 2 diabetics last year
- GP leaders warned some type 2 diabetics need up to 200 appointments a year
- The illness even appears to be having a worrying impact on younger women