The World Health Organization said on Tuesday there was a high risk of the polio virus spreading across the Gaza Strip and beyond its borders due to the dire health and sanitation situation in the war-ravaged Palestinian enclave. Ayadil Saparbekov, team lead for health emergencies at WHO in Gaza and the West Bank, said circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 had been isolated from environmental samples from sewage in Gaza.
As healthcare organizations emerge from the pandemic, battered but persevering, there is an urgent need for highly effective leadership to help move healthcare into a “new normal.” There is no getting around the fact that healthcare has changed tremendously since the pandemic arrived. The entire healthcare system was thrown into chaos. People, including healthcare workers, were getting ill and dying at unprecedented levels.
Portal Kesehatan Masyarakat (Portkesmas) yang didukung Unicef telah menginisiasi pelatihan kolaboratif yang dinamai Jaga Bersama sebagai upaya untuk mengampanyekan pentingnya imunisasi Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) untuk mencegah kanker serviks. Pelatihan ini berlangsung selama lima hari sejak 15-19 Juli 2024 untuk membekali tenaga kesehatan, guru, Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM), dan anak muda dengan keterampilan komunikasi untuk menyampaikan pentingnya imunisasi HPV dan perilaku hidup sehat lainnya.
Artificial intelligence (AI)—a machine or computer’s ability to perform cognitive functions—is quickly changing many facets of American life, including how we interact with health insurance. AI is increasingly being used by health insurers to automate a host of functions, including processing prior authorization (PA) requests, managing other plan utilization management techniques, and adjudicating claims.