Two PatientsLikeMe studies have led to a checklist designed to help those with Parkinson’s and other debilitative diseaes find providers who can meet criteria for delivering good care.
DOHA: High quality health services under the second National Health Strategy (NHS) 2018-2022 will offer a unique model for healthcare in Qatar
BANJARMASINPOST.CO.ID, BATULICIN - Dalam rangka peningkatan Program Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak serta Program Keluarga Sehat, Puskesmas Mantewe
TRIBUNBATAM.ID - Setiap tahun, jumlah kasus kanker limfoma terus meningkat. Pada 2012, Global Burden Cancer mencatat adanya peningkatan jumlah pasien kanker limfoma (non-hodgkin)