– Data Global Adult Tobacco Survey atau GATS Indonesia Report 2011 menunjukkan, Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan jumlah prevalensi perokok aktif terbanyak di dunia, dengan 67 persen pria dan 2,7 persen wanita.
BANDAR LAMPUNG - Pelayanan Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Abdul Moeloek (RSUDAM) benar-benar mendapat perhatian serius dari Gubernur Lampung M. Ridho Ficardo.
Pre-pregnancy care centre aims at providing digital care through a mobile app to couples aiming to be parents
The Asian Research and Training Institute for Skill Transfer (ARTIST),
A recent study addressed the correlation between the time to appendectomy (TTA) and the risk of complication in a pediatric population.
About 70 000 children are diagnosed annually with appendicitis and require an appendectomy, surgical removal of the appendix, as treatment.