Kementerian Kesehatan mengupayakan penanganan tiga isu, yaitu ketidaktahuan publik, terlalu mudahnya akses ke antibiotik, serta penggunaan antibiotik di sektor pertanian, guna mencegah penggunaan antibiotik secara sembarangan, yang dapat menyebabkan resistensi antimikroba (antimicrobial resistence/AMR).
Pemerintah Indonesia, bersama para pemimpin kesehatan global dan mitra, menyerukan tindakan cepat untuk mengatasi tantangan kesehatan masyarakat global berupa tuberkulosis (TBC) melalui pendekatan inovatif dan transformatif. Dalam pertemuan tingkat tinggi yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, para pemangku kepentingan global seperti Gates Foundation, FIND, dan TB Alliance menyampaikan visi mereka tentang inovasi dan aksi kolaboratif untuk membawa perubahan paradigma dalam pencegahan, diagnosis, dan pengobatan TBC.
The Arab Republic of Egypt and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria today signed a Framework Agreement which serves as a foundation to strengthen Egypt’s health systems. With a focus on the national response to HIV and tuberculosis, as well as mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on health infrastructure, this partnership underscores Egypt’s commitment to health resilience for vulnerable communities.
When considering the requirements for mission readiness, what comes to mind?
Perhaps it’s the ability to pass required fitness and body composition tests, weapons qualifications, or pre-deployment medical and dental check-ups. Whatever the requirement, fitness of both the mind and body are important factors that impact mission readiness.