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With increasing recognition of bullying in academic settings, it is vital that institutions adhere to their own policies and protocols when supporting victims of bulling and abusive behaviour in medical academia.

In his pioneering 1976 book on workplace harassment, Brodsky coined the term “bullying” to mean “persistent attempts on the part of one or more persons to annoy, wear down, frustrate or elicit a reaction in another.”

Kementerian Kesehatan Malaysia membuat pedoman untuk menangani perundungan di tempat kerja bagi stafnya. Ini dibuat melalui Pusat Keunggulan Nasional untuk Kesehatan Mental (NCEMH). Menteri Kesehatan Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad menjelaskan pedoman tersebut ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran di kalangan pekerja kesehatan, mengenai perundungan di tempat kerja.

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into healthcare is rapidly transforming numerous fields, and ophthalmology is no exception. AI's potential to analyse vast amounts of data with precision is reshaping how eyecare professionals diagnose, treat, and manage vision-related issues.