COVID-19 forced healthcare systems to implement telehealth programs, facilitated in Massachusetts by a policy requiring insurers to reimburse for telehealth visits. Prior studies suggest that telehealth is effective for obstetric care, but little is known about its implementation in response to policy changes in underserved communities.
With the United Nations’ goal of achieving Universal Health Coverage by 2030 less than 10 years away, the importance of digital technologies in improving health outcomes has moved up the political agenda.
RSUD Sultan Imanuddin Pangkalan Bun terus berupaya meningkatkan mutu pelayanan. Dalam kesempatan kali ini digelar Forum Konsultasi Publik (FKP) yang fokus membahas pada peningkatan sistem pelayanan rujukan.
Kementerian Kesehatan RI bersama United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) meluncurkan blue print Strategi Transformasi Digital Kesehatan 2024. Strategi transformasi tersebut mengubah fokus pelayanan kesehatan dari pelaporan untuk pejabat menjadi pelayanan untuk masyarakat.