‘Minutes can save lives’, the theme of World Stroke Day 2021 rightly conveys the importance of admitting a person with symptoms of stroke to a stroke-ready hospital at the earliest. Doctors simply put stroke as the equivalent of heart attack in the brain. It occurs when a blood vessel taking blood and oxygen to the brain gets blocked (ischemic stroke) or ruptured (haemorrhagic stroke).
Deciding on a career in the field of Infection Prevention is different today than it was 30 years ago. Infection Prevention has evolved over the past 30 years. It is a broader field.
Becoming an Infection Preventionist provides a deeper insight into the operations of a healthcare facility and their role in the community. It touches every department within the organization.
Menyambut Hari Stroke Sedunia yang diperingati setiap 29 Oktober, Pusat Kajian Ilmu Keolahragaan (PKIK) UNESA bersama National Hospital Surabaya, Kortex, Indonesia Brain Spine Community dan Granostic menyelenggarakan webinar “Pencegahan Stroke dan Peningkatan Derajat Aktivitas Fisik Civitas Academica UNESA” pada Kamis, 21 Oktober 2021 di Lantai 11 Rektorat UNESA Kampus Lidah Wetan.
Pengendalian Resistansi Antimikroba (AMR) pada pasien infeksi di Intensive Care Unit (ICU) penting untuk dilakukan. Apabila tidak dikendalikan, AMR dapat menyebabkan ketidakefektifan dalam penanganan infeksi.
Infeksi yang disertai dengan Resistansi Antimikroba dapat menyebabkan pasien tinggal lebih lama di rumah sakit, biaya perawatan dan pengobatan yang mahal, bahkan kematian.