Kementerian Kesehatan RI bersama United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) meluncurkan blue print Strategi Transformasi Digital Kesehatan 2024. Strategi transformasi tersebut mengubah fokus pelayanan kesehatan dari pelaporan untuk pejabat menjadi pelayanan untuk masyarakat.
Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Budi Gunadi Sadikin mengatakan transformasi teknologi kesehatan menjadi salah satu fokus pemerintah saat ini, terutama di masa pandemi COVID-19. "Pak presiden memberi tugas ke saya ada tiga. Yang pertama, adalah melaksanakan vaksinasi, mengatasi pandemi, dan melakukan reformasi serta transformasi besar di sektor kesehatan -- transformasi teknologi kesehatan," kata Menkes Budi dalam paparannya pada siaran daring, Kamis.
The most recent development about COVID in India is that it may be reaching a state of endemicity in the country. We have come a long way since the end of March 2020 when the pandemic was first announced in the country. COVID-19 was novel in its true sense. Doctors, healthcare institutions and policy makers alike were grappling with how to deal with coronavirus disease.
Delayed health-seeking behaviour by some expectant mothers, who present themselves late at health facilities and delay in attending antenatal care are some of the reasons for the rising number of premature births in Namibia.
This was announced by health ministry’s executive director Ben Nangombe yesterday while remembering World Premature Day.